Fast Divorce in Jupiter, Florida

If you or your spouse has been a resident of Florida for the past six months, you are eligible for a divorce in Florida. What many divorcing couples want to know is how to get their divorce finalized in the shortest amount of time possible.

Divorce is a very precise process that requires legal expertise. Sadly, many people think that going it alone can expedite the process, while having an attorney slows things down.

The truth is, having a knowledgeable, experienced divorce lawyer is the best way to get a fast divorce in Jupiter, Florida. Without an attorney you risk certain notorious agents of delay such as having documents kicked back by the courts for incomplete or improper filing. Also, not being a part of the legal system you may be unaware of appropriate ways to expedite the divorce process.

A qualified divorce lawyer will represent you and your best interests in an efficient, timely fashion. They will stay on top of deadlines and will not unnecessarily delay the process. They will respect your time and use their time wisely.

A divorce attorney with many years of experience will know how to fight for your rights and keep the process going as efficiently as possible, barring any unforeseen obstacles from the court or your spouse and his/her attorney.

Here are a few tips for having a fast divorce in Jupiter, Florida:

  • Be completely forthcoming with your divorce lawyer from the outset. Provide all necessary documentation and information in a timely fashion. In this way you will help speed up the fact-gathering phase so your attorney can determine the proper strategy and make recommendations.
  • Be available for phone calls and meetings with your attorney, and show up to court hearings on time.
  • Cooperate with your divorce lawyer. He or she is trying to help you, so make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
  • Be up front about your expectations, and ask questions to stay abreast of all developments in your case.

We Are Compassionate Counsel, Strong Advocates

Our team has over 30 years experience as divorce and family law attorneys. With intimate knowledge of the relevant laws and practical experience in and out of the courtroom, our team is able to handle your case in an efficient, timely manner – no matter how complex.

Call for your free consultation today and we will answer all your questions and provide an estimated timeline for your divorce.

Call (561) 748-8000 or click here for your FREE Consultation!